Grau d'Estudis Anglesos
240 crèdits - Facultat de Filosofia i Lletres
21829. Treball de Fi de Grau d'Estudis Anglesos (2024-25)
Crèdits | 6 ECTS. | |||
Caràcter | Treball de fi de grau | |||
Estat | Pla vigent i assignatura oferta en aquest pla, centre i illa. | |||
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Informació sobre els grups de l'assignatura
Període: Segon semestre
Grup gran 1
ProfessoratDra. Marian Amengual Pizarro, Dra. Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Dr. Juan José Bermúdez de Castro Acaso, Dra. Cristina Cruz Gutiérrez, Dra. Lidia María Cuadrado Payeras, Dr. Gabriel Roberto Dols Gallardo, Dr. Fruela Fernández Iglesias, Dra. Paloma Fresno Calleja, Dra. Karen Lesley Jacob Abad, Dr. Charlie Jorge Fernández, Dra. Lucía Loureiro Porto, Dra. Sofia Juana Moratinos Johnston, Dr. Eduardo Alberto Moyà Antón, Dra. Katarzyna Beata Paszkiewicz Duszynska, Dra. Eva María Pérez Rodríguez, Margarita Pizarro Sirera, Dr. Miquel Pomar Amer, Dra. Lucrecia Rallo Fabra, Dra. Mariana Ripoll Fonollar, Dra. Joana Salazar Noguera, Dra. Astrid Marie Schwegler Castañer
d'imparticióAnglès -
MobilitatGrup ofert per a alumnes de mobilitat entrant prèvia autorització del responsable de la titulació.
Guies docents d'anys anteriors
Grups de l'assignatura l'any acadèmic 2023-24
Període: Segon semestre
Grup gran 1
ProfessoratDra. Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Dra. Iria María Bello Viruega, Dr. Juan José Bermúdez de Castro Acaso, Dr. Antonio Maria Bruyel Olmedo, Dra. Susana María Cortés Pomacóndor, Dra. Cristina Cruz Gutiérrez, Dr. Gabriel Roberto Dols Gallardo, Dr. Fruela Fernández Iglesias, Dra. Paloma Fresno Calleja, Dra. Karen Lesley Jacob Abad, Dr. Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, Dr. Charlie Jorge Fernández, Dra. Lucía Loureiro Porto, Dra. Sofia Juana Moratinos Johnston, Dra. Rosa María Moreno Redondo, Dr. Eduardo Alberto Moyà Antón, Dra. Katarzyna Beata Paszkiewicz Duszynska, Dra. Raquel Pereira Romasanta, Dra. Eva María Pérez Rodríguez, Margarita Pizarro Sirera, Dr. Miquel Pomar Amer, Dra. Lucrecia Rallo Fabra, Dra. Mariana Ripoll Fonollar, Dra. Andrea Robin Ruthven, Dra. Joana Salazar Noguera, Dra. Astrid Marie Schwegler Castañer, Dra. Cristina Suárez Gómez, Dra. Marta Villalba Lázaro
d'imparticióAnglès -
MobilitatGrup ofert per a alumnes de mobilitat entrant prèvia autorització del responsable de la titulació.
Guia docent
Grups de l'assignatura l'any acadèmic 2022-23
Període: Segon semestre
Grup gran 1
ProfessoratDra. Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Dra. Iria María Bello Viruega, Dra. Tamara Bouso Rivas, Dra. Susana María Cortés Pomacóndor, Dra. Cristina Cruz Gutiérrez, Dr. Gabriel Roberto Dols Gallardo, Dr. Fruela Fernández Iglesias, Dra. Paloma Fresno Calleja, Dr. Eugenio Guillermo Iglesias Díaz, Dr. Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, Dra. Lucía Loureiro Porto, Grace Karin Moran, Dr. Eduardo Alberto Moyà Antón, Dra. Katarzyna Beata Paszkiewicz Duszynska, Dra. Eva María Pérez Rodríguez, Margarita Pizarro Sirera, Dr. Miquel Pomar Amer, Dr. José Igor Prieto Arranz, Dra. Lucrecia Rallo Fabra, Dra. Mariana Ripoll Fonollar, Dra. Aida Rosende Pérez, Dra. Astrid Marie Schwegler Castañer, Dra. Cristina Suárez Gómez, Dra. Marta Villalba Lázaro
d'imparticióAnglès -
MobilitatGrup ofert per a alumnes de mobilitat entrant prèvia autorització del responsable de la titulació.
Guia docent
Grups de l'assignatura l'any acadèmic 2021-22
Període: Segon semestre
Grup gran 1
ProfessoratDra. Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Dra. Iria María Bello Viruega, Dra. Tamara Bouso Rivas, Dra. Catalina Calafat Ripoll, Dra. Susana María Cortés Pomacóndor, Dr. Gabriel Roberto Dols Gallardo, Dr. Fruela Fernández Iglesias, Dra. Paloma Fresno Calleja, Maria Grau Perejoan, Dr. Eugenio Guillermo Iglesias Díaz, Dr. Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, Dra. Lucía Loureiro Porto, Grace Karin Moran, Dr. Eduardo Alberto Moyà Antón, Dra. Katarzyna Beata Paszkiewicz Duszynska, Dra. Eva María Pérez Rodríguez, Margarita Pizarro Sirera, Dr. Miquel Pomar Amer, Dr. José Igor Prieto Arranz, Dra. Lucrecia Rallo Fabra, Dra. Aida Rosende Pérez, Dra. Andrea Robin Ruthven, Dra. Astrid Marie Schwegler Castañer, Dra. Cristina Suárez Gómez, Dra. Marta Villalba Lázaro
d'imparticióAnglès -
MobilitatGrup ofert per a alumnes de mobilitat entrant prèvia autorització del responsable de la titulació.
Guia docent
Grups de l'assignatura l'any acadèmic 2020-21
Període: Segon semestre
Grup gran 1
ProfessoratDra. Marian Amengual Pizarro, Dra. Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Dra. Iria María Bello Viruega, Dra. Tamara Bouso Rivas, Dra. Catalina Calafat Ripoll, Dra. Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, Dra. Susana María Cortés Pomacóndor, Dr. Gabriel Roberto Dols Gallardo, Dr. Fruela Fernández Iglesias, Dra. Paloma Fresno Calleja, Maria Grau Perejoan, Dr. Eugenio Guillermo Iglesias Díaz, Dr. Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, Dra. Lucía Loureiro Porto, Dr. Eduardo Alberto Moyà Antón, Dra. Katarzyna Beata Paszkiewicz Duszynska, Dra. Eva María Pérez Rodríguez, Dr. Miquel Pomar Amer, Dr. José Igor Prieto Arranz, Dra. Lucrecia Rallo Fabra, Dra. Aida Rosende Pérez, Dra. Andrea Robin Ruthven, Dra. Astrid Marie Schwegler Castañer, Dra. Cristina Suárez Gómez
d'imparticióVegeu la guia docent -
MobilitatGrup ofert per a alumnes de mobilitat entrant prèvia autorització del responsable de la titulació.
Guia docent
Grups de l'assignatura l'any acadèmic 2019-20
Període: Segon semestre
GRUP 1, 2S
ProfessoratDra. Marian Amengual Pizarro, Dra. Patricia Bastida Rodríguez, Dra. Catalina Calafat Ripoll, Dra. Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies, Dra. Susana María Cortés Pomacóndor, Dr. Gabriel Roberto Dols Gallardo, Dra. Paloma Fresno Calleja, Dr. Rubén Jarazo Álvarez, Dra. Maria Juan Garau, Dra. Lucía Loureiro Porto, Dr. Eduardo Alberto Moyà Antón, Dra. Katarzyna Beata Paszkiewicz Duszynska, Dra. Eva María Pérez Rodríguez, Ana Beatriz Pérez Zapata, Dr. Miquel Pomar Amer, Dr. José Igor Prieto Arranz, Dra. Lucrecia Rallo Fabra, Dra. Aida Rosende Pérez, Dra. Cristina Suárez Gómez
d'imparticióCatalà -
MobilitatGrup exclòs per a alumnes de mobilitat entrant.
Guia docent
Per veure la informació sobre grups de l'assignatura de cursos anteriors al 2019-20
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Treballs de Fi de Grau
- An Analysis of Taylor Swift's Love Songs and their Repercussion
- ChatGPT as a tool for Second Language Acquisition. Students?_? and teachers?_? perception and motivation towards using ChatGPT in class
- Colonialism in Avatar The Last Airbender
- Defying Norms and Embracing Tradition: Sophie Beckett and Eloise Bridgerton in An Offer from a Gentleman (2001) and To Sir Phillip, With Love (2003)
- Echoes of Contemporary Decay: A Foucauldian Analysis of TV Series The Fall of the House of Usher (2023) and its Portrayal of Present-Day Opioids Epidemic in the USA
- Evaluating the Effect of Tourism on English Language Acquisition: A Study of the Workers in the Market of Santa Catalina
- Exploring Power Dynamics, Intersectionality and Social Stratification: A Comparative Analysis of the Protagonists?_? Romanticisation and Resistance in The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2020) and...
- Exploring Race, Class and Gender in the Bridgerton World: An Intersectional Analysis of Queen Charlotte
- Flowing in the wind: the relationship between well-being and productive learning in the English secondary classroom
- From Content to Competence: Exploring Intercultural Competence and Global Citizenship Skills in English Language Textbooks in Bangladesh
- From Sorceress to Symbol: Euripides Medea?_?s Role in Shaping Literary Views of Women in Feminist Literary Jurisprudence
- Incidental Acquisition of the English Language through Video Games
- I?_?ve Been Made to Watch the End: Pretraumatic Disaster Imaginaries in The Cabin at the End of the World (2018)
- Language Learning and Cultural Competence in Primary and Secondary EFL Classrooms: Two Intertwined Skills
- Misgendering in Translation: Non-Binary (In)Visibility in Animated Series
- Negociating Power: Revision, Subversion and Bhabha?_?s Mimicry Dynamics in Tarantino?_?s Django Unchained (2012) and the Black American Dream
- Petrofiction as a Political Weapon: The Case of Imbolo Mbue?_?s How Beautiful We Were
- Phonological Variation in American and British Pop Music
- Pretty isn?_?t Pretty: Toxic Ideals of Beauty and Alternative Representations in One Day, the Novel, the Film, the Series.
- Production of the vowel contrast /ӕ/ vs /ꓥ/ by Early and Late learners of English
- Pronoun Drama: An analysis of Reddit forums through the lens of grassroots prescriptivism
- Re-Imagining The Triumph of Eliza Parsons?_? Heroines in The Castle of Wolfenbach: a Metanarrative of Feminism in late 18th Century Gothic Literature
- Rereading Gender in Sally Rooney?_?s novel Normal People: An analysis of Connell Waldron as a 21st - century redefinition of Masculinity
- Revisiting the World War II Combat Genre: Collective Heroism in Dunkirk (2017)
- Special Educational Needs: A Focus on Secondary Education Language Teachers with ADHD Students
- The Ambivalent Role of Beyoncé's Cécred in the Third-Wave Hair Movement
- The Inadequacy of Language to Represent Reality in Edgar Allan Poe?_?s Ligeia
- The influence of neologisms in Spanish discourse: an approach to dictionarisation criteria
- The Intersectionality of Culture, Religion and Oral features in the Translation of Majorcan Folklore Tales: Rondalles
- The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in English as a Second Language:A Didactic Proposal Using AI Text-to-image Generators to Enhance Speaking Skills
- The role of social media in a Second Language Acquisition environment: TikTok as a tool for learning English
- The Spectacle of Ideology: An Althusserian Analysis of Indoctrination through Rocky Balboa?_?s Cinematic Universe
- The Translation of Jokes and Cultural References in The Mask (1994)
- Translating Humor and Profanity in US series Breaking Bad
- Translating Idioms: An Analysis of the Strategies Applied to Render Idiomatic Expressions in Better Call Saul (2015) from English into Spanish
- Translation of Humoristic Wordplays in Children?_?s Literature into Spanish: PJO
- Vowel speech perception: contrasting residence vs. abroad students
- Women Who Don?_?t Need to Make it Here. Frances Ha and the De-stigmatasion of Representation of Female Failure in New York
- "But it was not home: Trauma and Reconciliation in Australian Children?_?s Literature about the Stolen Generations
- "This is an all-boys school! What did he expect?": Vindicating Non-Heterosexual Identities in Alice Oseman's Heartstopper
- Branding the Gold Coast: National Identity in the Australian TV series H2O: Just Add Water (2006-2010)
- Breaking Barriers: Empowering American Disabled War Veterans in the Face of Stigmatization in Born on the Fourth of July (1989)
- Breaking the Stereotypes: An Analysis of Nick Nelson's Portrayal in Heartstopper (2022-) as a Positive Representation of Bisexual Male Characters in Mainstream Media
- Bridgerton: a comparative analysis of sexuality, class, and race from a gender perspective in The Duke and I and its Netflix's adaptation
- Chicanas?_? Resilience in_Sabrina and Corina_
- Deconstructing Motherhood Ideals and Developing Maternal Empowerment in Bernardine Evaristo?_?s Girl, Woman, Other
- Exploring the Role of Stay Abroad and Spanish Learners?_? Difficulties in the Pronunciation of English Vowels: the Case of /æ/ and /ʌ/.
- I Don?_?t Want to be a Loser: Rethinking the Idea of Success in Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
- Integrating Communicative Writing in Early Undergraduate EFL Courses: A Didactic Proposal
- Jack the Ripper and Oscar Wilde: the Influence of the Late-Victorian Press in the Development of Their Reputation
- Kennedy's Verbs: Polarizing Tools to Describe Eisenhower's Impact on Montana's Water Resources in the Late 1950s
- Manifest Destiny?_?s reinforcement through Native American stereotyping in Red Dead Redemption 2
- Non-Binary Pronouns in Twitter Bios: A Variationist Analysis
- Perpetuating Patriarchal Legitimation Through New Paradigms of Representation. A Case Study on Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
- Perpetuation of Stereotypes in Translation: Performing Gender in the Movie Billy Elliot (2000)
- Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: A Comparative Analysis of the Localization in the English and Spanish Versions
- Slipper Satin and the South African short story: Catalan translation and analysis
- The Austenian Heroine Reimagined: Clueless (1995) and Emma. (2020) in Debate
- The Dunciad, a Satirical Critique: How the Use of References to Satan and to The Bible Contribute in Alexander Pope's Strikes against Colley Cibber
- The Expansion and Variation of Clausal Multiple Negation across Asian Englishes
- The Expression of the Perfect: Variation in Southern and Northern Irish English
- The impact of the Internet and the digital age on English vocabulary
- The New 007: Masculinity and National Identity in Daniel Craig?_?s Incarnation of James Bond (20062021)
- The Perpetuation of the White Saviour Discourse Through the Family as a State Apparatus in Avatar The Way of Water
- The Problematics of Feminist Empowerment in Game of Thrones: An Analysis of Sansa and Arya Stark
- The Representation of Sexual Assault in Rachel Smythe?_?s Lore Olympus (2018-)
- The Role of Musical Abilities in the Production of English /i/ and /ɪ/ by Catalan-Spanish Speakers
- Unfolding Time: Translation in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha's DICTEE
- Water (2005): Nation-building and Widows?_? Status in Postcolonial India
- "An Author Out of Time": Structural Parallelisms between H. P. Lovecraft and Local Color
- "Why Should the Boys Have All the Fun?": Hegemonic Masculiinity and the Representation of Women in Peaky Blinders (2013-2022)
- A Feminist Perspective on Disney's Brave (2012): Challenging Traditional Gender Roles
- A Multidimensional Transnationalism: in Between Juba and Portland in Terry Farish's The Good Braider
- Are Women Constantly Gossiping?: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis of Gossip Gendered Stereotypes in the Series Emily in Paris.
- Attitudes towards Multicultural London English in Greater Manchester: how Mancunians approach Multicultural London English
- Batman: Year One: The Challenges and Implications of a Translation into Catalan
- Black Masculinity and Hip-Hop: A Case Study of Superheroes (2020) and Just Like You (2017)
- Blogging as a Tool of Feminist Empowerment in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah
- Comparative Alternation across African Varieties of English
- Enhancing America. A Reinforcement of the Country?_?s Exceptionalism through Roosevelt?_?s Speech
- From Text to Subtext: Transposition and Otherness in the Adaptation of the Theme of Queerness in Fried Green Tomatoes
- Gender Stereotyping in Job Vocabulary in EFL Textbooks
- Glamorizing Mental Illness and Violence in Joker (2019) through Non-hegemonic Masculinities
- How lonely it can be living in a world not meant for you: Brit Bennett's The Vanishing Half on Diasporic Identity and White Passing
- I've said it before, and I'll say it again: No more fucking ABBA" Masculinities & Queerness in The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
- Informality and Vulgarization within the Dubbing of the Animated Series of Arcane
- Neutering the Camp: An Analysis of the Spanish Translation of RuPaul's Drag Race UK
- Not Into Bad Guys Anyways: Scott McCall, or Positive Representations of Masculine Identities in US Supernatural Teen Drama
- Queer and Evil: The Representation of Lesbian Identities in Western Horror Film
- Stories wrapped in Stories: Analyzing Survivance and Kinship in The Marrow Thieves (2017)
- Swearing Adaptation in the Translation of English Monologues into Spanish: the Usage of Fuck
- The Empowerment of Black Female Characters in Ryan Coogler's Black Panther (2018): An Intersectional Analysis
- The Role of Age and Gender in the Attitude of Spanish Speakers towards Loans: Can Popular figures like Rosalía Influence the Use of Anglicisms?
- The Role of Literature and Extensive Reading in EFL Courses: A Didactic Proposal Based on Gamification
- The Role of Social Media and Memory in the Acquisition of L2 Segments: The Case of /æ/
- The Role of Subtitles in the Acquisition of L2 English Grammar: A Case of Study of Cleft Sentences and Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
- The Romantic Legacy of John Keats: "Negative Capability" in Harry Styles' Fine Line
- Too many years lost in History: an analysis of Six! The Musical through the lens of Fourth-wave Feminism and the #MeToo Movement
- Translating Peripheral Languages and Cultures: A Contract with God
- Two opposite representations of Mary, Queen of Scots in Philippa Gregory's The Other Queen
- W.B. Yeats and The Waterboys: The Legacy of a Mystic Animated Ireland in Twenty-first Century Pop Culture
- What truly is logic? Who decides reason?: The Representation of Schizophrenia in A Beautiful Mind (2001)
- "Live! Work! Pose!": Re-Imagining Trans Representation in Pose
- "You Could Be White, But It Hurt Like Hell." Browning the Apple in Eric Gansworth's Apple: Skin to the Core
- A Comparison of Early and Late Second-Language Learners of English through Their Production of /i/ and
- Acquisition of the Mid-low Central Vowel in Second Language Learners of English
- A Robot Designed for Teaching English to Children with Learning Disabilities
- Consider the Coconut: A Critical Analysis of the Tree of Life's Fruit in Disney's Moana
- Culture Matters: Analysis of Nationalism in Captain America
- Disclosure: Trans Lives on Screen (2020): An Analytical Review of Transgender Representation
- False Cognates by Spanish and Russian Speaking EFL Students from the Perspective of CrossLinguistic Similarity in Second Language Acquisition
- Gamification to Enhance Second Language Learning
- Gender Awareness in the Subtitling from English into Spanish of The Bridgerton (2020): a Re-Vision of Sexism
- Hegemonic Masculinity and Gender Performance in Van Dusen's Bridgerton: A Critical Analysis
- If Hair Is Nappy, Whites Are Not Happy: Representations of Black Hair in Haifaa al-Mansour's Nappily Ever After
- Linguistic Adaptations, Humour and Cultural Variations in Subtitling Inglourious Basterds (2009)
- Peter Pan (1953), a film directed by Geronimi, Jackson and Lusk: analysing English to Spanish dubbing of three songs in terms of their lyrics and musicality
- Racialized Motherhood: Mothering Hardships and Resistance in Little Fires Everywhere
- Representation of feminist heroism in Moana (2016) in the context of fourth-wave feminism
- Representation of Violence against Women in The Wolf of Wall Street (Scorsese 2013)
- Rock Your Body!: Examining the Performance of Masculinity of the Backstreet Boys, One Direction, and BTS
- Stripping his dead wife naked: William Godwin's philosophy in Memoirs of the Author of a Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1798)
- Study of the Process of Adaptation from Novel to Film Script, and its Subtitling Adaptation of _Catching Fire_ (2009) into _The Hunger Games: Catching Fire_ (2013)
- That Went Down Like a Lead Balloon: Classification and Analysis of Mistranslations in the Subtitling of Good Omens (2019)
- That Went Down Like a Lead Balloon: Classification and Analysis of Mistranslations in the Subtitling of Good Omens (2019)
- The Cinematic Underrepresentation of Black Women from the Civil Rights Movement
- The Impact of Masks in the Intelligibility of English as a Foreign Language
- Thelma and Louise (1991) and Masculine Representation
- The Perception of the New British Monarchy. Looking Back on Elizabeth II's Reign
- There's a certain Slant of light in Teen Spirit: the Connection through Romanticism between Emily Dickinson's and Kurt Cobain's Immanent Legacies.
- The Role of Age and Gender in CMC: The Case of English Borrowings by Spanish Speakers.
- The Use of Mobile Applications to Learn English: an Empirical Study and a Proposal.
- Translation of Neologisms and Semantically Loaded Proper Names in Children's Literature: Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolat Factory (1964)
- Understanding Linguistics in World Englishes throughout Covid-19: Modal Verbs
- Vindicating Career Women through the Recent Feminist Biopic: An Analysis of Hidden Figures (2016) and On the Basis of Sex (2018)
- Vindicating Transgender Visibility in the American Film Industry: An Analysis on Tangerine (2015) and Disclosure: Trans Lives on Screen (2020)
- We're doing it for peace alright, Mary. A piece of that fine Protestant ass: Lisa McGee's Derry Girls and Identity Formation of Teenage Catholic Girls during the 1990s Northern Irish Troubles
- What the Myths of Romantic Love Hide in Twilight: a Feminist Perspective
- Analysis of the Frequency of Occurrence of Colloquial Singapore English in the International Corpus of English – Singapore
- Applying ICTs to Test EFL Pronunciation: A Study Based on L1 Spanish-Catalan Intermediate Learners
- A Precedent of Cultural Heritage in England: Alnwick Castle
- Censorship and Translation in the Franco Regime (1939-1975): The Case of Literature for Children and Young Adults
- Criticism of Victorian women stereotypes, professionalization, and marriage in Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
- Dismantling Disney. Post-feminism in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (2019)
- English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) as a constraint for learning a second language abroad in non-English speaking countries
- From Stereotype to Stereotype: How the Process of Revoicing Affects a Character's Identity
- From the Fantastic to Computing Slang: A Corpus-Based Study of Troll in Recent American English.
- Gamification at University Level: Analysing the Use of Kahoot!, Socrative and Quizlet in the English Studies Degree
- Gender-neutralisation and Gender-specification in the Workplace: A Corpus-based Study
- I Lost an Arm on my Last Trip Home”: The Transgenerational Trauma of Slavery in Octavia Butler’s Kindred
- Indigenous and Afrikaans Borrowings in South African Writers: J.M. Coetzee and Zakes Mda
- Learning language in multilingual contexts at tertiary level: Investigating English as a medium of instruction at Universitat de les Illes Balears' Higher Polytechnic school
- Linguistic Analysis of Friends: The Case of Joey Tribbiani
- Memory and Place in Kazuo Ishiguro’s An Artist of the Floating World
- Narrating the refugee experience: the importance of role, memory, and loss of identity in Clemantine Wamariya and Elizabeth Weil’s The Girl who Smiled Beads
- New Englishness and its impact on the Brexit vote
- Remaking Beauty in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah
- Representation of New Masculinities in the Netflix TV series “Sex Education” (2019)
- Representations of Queerness in Call Me By Your Name (2017)
- Sound Change in General American: an Acoustic Analysis of Vowel Production in Female Californian Speakers
- The Gospel According to Blindboy: Masculinity, Mental Health, and Social Criticism in Blindboy Boatclub's short stories
- The Great Gatsby: Critical Analysis of Social Class Representation in the Adaptation of the Novel to Cinematographic Language
- The influence of English in the Latin community: language contact, code-mixing and code-switching by Latin singers
- The olive as an emblem of love and rootedness in the work of Robert Graves
- The Picture of Dorian Gray: Exploring Social Malaise through French Literary Influences and Wilde’s Persona
- The Role of Social Media and the Criminal Justice System in the Perpetuation of Rape Culture in Asking for It (2015) and Unbelievable (2019)
- The Rover Part I (1677) Written by a “Person of Quality”: Aphra Behn
- The Use of Social Networks in University EFL Classrooms: Students’ Perspective and a Teaching Proposal
- Trans Blending, Trans Erasure: Representing Trans Realities in Euphoria
- Triple Oppression and Transnational Identity: The Immigrant Black Woman in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah
- Whiplash (2014): Work Ethic and Limitations in the American Dream
- “A funny kind of Englishman”: Racism and new identities in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia
- “Go back home”: An Analysis on Donald Trump and The Squad’s Concept of Home and Nation.
- “That Ain’t You, Chiron”: Representations of Queer Black (Hyper)Masculinity in Barry Jenkins’s Moonlight
- "I'm not that girl": Vindicating the Twilight Saga and Bella as Positive Members within a Female Tradition
- "Taking Away Your Name Is the First Step": The Transgenerational Trauma of Slavery and the Shaping of Identity in Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing
- "Your Dad's a Prick": Analysing Parenthood from a Millennial Perspective in the TV Series The End of the F***ing World (2017-)
- (Postcolonial) Issues in Jane Eyre
- A linguistic analysis of the representation of Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle in the British press: A corpus-based study
- An Analysis of Pseudo-translations Focusing on Elizabeth Hamiltonʼs Translation of the Letters of a Hindoo Rajah and Her Position on Colonialism, English Society, Women and Religion.
- An interview-based study of how Brexit is perceived by British expats in Majorca
- Chris Hughes’s performance of masculinity in Love Island (2017)
- Confronting stereotypes and seeking for fulfilment in the hostland: an analysis of Muslim female characters in Aboulela’s Elsewhere, Home
- Exploring Authorship Attribution Techniques with Texts from Human of New York
- Genes Are the Ancestors within Us”: Biopiracy in Patricia Grace’s Baby No-Eyes
- History or Myth? The Role of Women in Vikings (2013-)
- Invisibility and Exclusion of Bisexuality: An Analysis of Bisexual Women’s Poetry
- Ireland's Abortion Law: Travel and Trauma in Tara Flynn's "Three: three"
- Jolly Phonics, a method to acquire L2 pronunciation by young learners.
- Learning Languages in Multilingual Contexts: Investigating Erasmus Students’ Experiences regarding Language, Social Networks and Culture
- London as a Corrupting Force: Street Life, Class and Crime in Oliver Twist
- Maleficent (2014): A Feminist and Posthumanist Twist to Disney’s Sleeping Beauty (1959)
- Masculinity in 2016 Presidential American Election: The Purge: Election Year (2016) as a Case Study
- Millennial Television: The Representation of Dysfunctional Parenting in Rick and Morty (2013-)
- Motivation and Attitude for the Acquisition of Language in Primary School Students
- New Masculinities in Tell Me a Story's Nick Sullivan (2018-): The Toxic Geek Werewolf
- Phonological Acquisition and Disorders: Two Case Studies of L1 English Speakers
- Rewriting Historical Characters: Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York as Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow
- Sense8’s Wolfgang Bogdanow: The Epitome of the Process of Deconstruction
- The Double in William Wilson and The Secret Sharer
- The Ethics of Intercultural Translation: Analysing the Figure of the African and African- American in Contemporary Spanish Television Advertising between 20th and 21st centuries.
- The Fall of a Gentleman: Structural Parallelism between the Myth of the Fall and Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- The Goddess and the Islands: Mythopoetic Aura, Arts and Culture in the Balearics
- The Influence of Catalan and Spanish as L1s in the Learning of English as L2
- The Influence of Language Dominance on the Production of English Mid-central Vowels by Spanish-Majorcan Bilinguals
- The Nobility of the Heart and its' corruption
- Tracing the Use of Bisexual in Contemporary American English: A Corpus-based Study
- Uncertainty and Loss of Identity in Refugee Poetry
- An analysis of hegemonic masculinity in Modern Family: Its development and impact on other masculinities
- A study on initial epenthesis before /sC(C)-/ clusters BY Spanish learners of English as L2
- A theoretical and empirical analysis of the difficulties in language acquisition encountered by hearing-impaired children
- Can gender be a form of capital? The accumulation of gender in a neoliberal globalized world
- Effects of Bilingualism on third language acquisition: Cognitive and pragmatic abilities
- ELF vs. EFL: An empirical study with students from two Majorcan schools
- Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘North and South’: Three of four families in an industrial city
- Forensic linguistics methodology in Discovery Channel’s ‘Manhunt: Unabomber’
- From the British Raj to the United Kingdom: A cultural history of curry
- Hong Kong English: Verb agreement with collective nouns
- Intelligibility, foreign accent and fluency in L2 and L3 speech
- Intelligibility, foreign accent and phoneme errors in L2 and L3 speech: A multilingual approach
- Mohsin Hamid’s ‘Exit West’: The literary inscription of a city broken down by war in the 21st century
- Monarchy and Commonwealth in The Crown: A case study within the frame of Brexit
- Multilingualism in Spanish education: The Basque country and the Balearic islands
- Nativization of English in postcolonial India: A lexical analysis of Salman Rushdie’s ‘Midnight’s Children’
- Panchronic analysis of politeness theory and democratization in televised presidential debates from the 60s until nowadays in the USA
- Perceptual identification of American English sounds by L1-Catalan speakers
- Predicting trilinguals’ L2-L3 sound learning: Two case studies examining the Perceptual Assimilation Model (PAM)
- Scandinavian-originated dialectal words still in use in Northern England
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s 'A study in Scarlet' and BBC 'Sherlocks’s' “A study in Pink”: A comparison
- Testing the Critical Period Hypothesis
- The ability of translating conserving the cultural essence of the novel ‘No longer at ease’ (1960) by Chinua Achebe
- The artistic colony of Deià in the second half of the twentieth century: Lifestyle and influence
- Toxic masculinity in American politics: Donald Trump's tweeting activity in the US presidential election (2016)
- Translation of cultural elements in Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali: A postcolonial and descriptive approach
- Understanding American Suburbia through Arcade Fire’s ‘The Suburbs’
- Vian's 'L'Écume des jours' and Carroll's 'Alices': The creation of unsettling and nonsensical universes through language
- ‘Moana’ as a “Princess Story”. Gender, racial and cultural representation in Disney’s animated movies
- ‘The more it bleeds, the better the dress’: Stereotyping Romani women in the docu reality ‘My big fat gypsy wedding’ (2010-2015)
- “Doctor Who” and the idea of the English gentleman. Representation and reception
- “It’s not about deserve, it’s about what you believe”: An analysis of Patty Jenkins’ ‘Wonder woman’ and its feminist symbolism
- “The rest of the story is in the mud”: Exploring discourses of Irish Womanhood in Éilís Ni Dhuibhne’s ‘The Dancers Dancing’
- “The romance of his life was ended, and its new history had now commenced”: Scott’s complicated patriotism in ‘Waverley’
- “The smallest stain is not to be discovered upon his character”: From transgression to damnation through Matthew Lewis’s Exotic Closet in ‘The monk’.
- 'Die with a pineapple!': Regimes of truth, gender, age and mental (dis)ability in 'Fran Bow'
- 'I'm trying to study history, not live off its legacy': Negotiating bordelines in Jarlath Gregory's 'The Organised Criminal'
- 'I am a mere animal and instinctive emotions too often silence the suggestions of reason': Emotional turmoil in Mary Wollstonecraft's epistolary
- 'Screw it. I'll do it': Transgressions of black female representations through an Afrofuturist lens
- 'Uploaded to the Cloud, sounds like Heaven': The bond of Christianity, Posthumanism and Transhumanism in Black Mirror's 'San Junipero'
- A comparative analysis of Olympe de Gouges' and Mary Wollstonecraft's declarations as main source to improve women's status in eighteenth-century society
- Analizing Cultural Equivalences in Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart'
- An analysis and comparison on the Northern and Southern dialectal variations of the American English
- Beyond words: The role(s) of emoticons in computer-mediated communication
- British and American English into world Englishes: The influence of reference varieties in Lexis
- Case variation in coordinate noun phrases in Irish English
- Celebrating metamorphosis and hybridity in Nalo Hopkinson's 'A Habit of Waste' and 'Greedy Choke Puppy'
- CLIL program methodology, implantation and teacher views: An example from a large secondary school, Col.legi Sant Josep Obrer, in Palma Mallorca
- Comparing fluency between L1 and L2
- Ditransitive phenomenon in Nigerian English
- EFL learners' perceptions of the development of their oral proficiency, anxiety and motivation after a SA experience in non-native English-speaking host countries: A case study approach
- Environmentalism: Shift from American 1960s to 1970s. A musical approach
- Exploring measures and variables of disfluency in the speech of CLIL students
- Exploring the limits of gender and sexuality: The posthuman in The Wachowskis' 'Sense8'
- Fictional representations of London: The 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' in 'One Day'
- HIV as a hoax. The exercise of biopower in The New York Times and the stigmatization of homosexuality
- Jane Austen's perception of marriage mirrored in her correspondence
- Language and gender in American presidential debates: Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump
- Memes: A cultural approach to categorizing, translating, adapting and understanding a new genre of digital humor
- Pedestrianism in Virginia Woolf's 'Mrs Dalloway' and James Joyce's 'Dubliners'
- Perception of English high tense and lax vowels by students in CLIL and Non-CLIL contexts
- Rebecca Bowman and the Articulation of Identity and Power in 'Banshee' (2013-2016)
- Revisiting the Victorian madwomen: An analysis of Brontë's Bertha Mason and Dickens's Miss Havisham as Gothic characters
- Salomé and Isabella: Macabre Infatuations in the 19th Century Literature and Art
- Stereotypes and fixed representations of the British tourists in Mallorca: Social class in relation to holiday destinations refelected in media.
- Talking black from a white perspective is still an issue: A review-based study on the divided reception of 'The Help'
- The Hobbit in audiovisual translation: A case study
- The naked body, performativity, and cultural practice in Lena Dunham's 'Girls' (2012-2017). Hannah as a case study
- The reinterpretation of Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' in 'Penny Dreadful': Power and ambition
- The relationship between perception and production of the English vowel sounds /ae/ and /^/ by Spanish native speakers
- Variation in the use of the definite English article in ESL students: A case study
- Visibility and change of Black Queer in mainstream cultural productions: 'Pariah'
- 'As though she were two people'. Gender, migration, and a sense of Home in Colm Tóibín's Brooklyn
- 'You know you can change the Story': Recreating an Alternative Space in Hiromi Goto's Chorus of Mushrooms
- "Living in the grey area between all categories felt increasingly like home": Meena's search for a voice of her own in Meera Syal's Anita and Me.
- Analysis of Irish English
- British social realism and the representation of the Miner's Strike (1984-5): Billy Elliot (2000) and Pride (2014)
- Double negation in World Englishes: a preliminary approach
- Effectiveness of Introducing English in Kindergarten: Comparison between three schools in Mallorca
- Foreign accent in learners of English as a second language: language distance
- From Antoinette to Bertha: a postcolonial construction of the voiceless through renaming and nature
- H.P. Lovecraft and heavy metal: the transformation of literature into music
- Hard Times and Mary Barton: An analysis of the Industrial Working class
- Homophobic Discourse in Favour of the Nuclear Family: the Case of Harvey Milk.
- Japanese to English translation of cultural gastronomic terms in anime
- Orwell and Huxley: Dystopian novel and the foresight of technological apllications for social control
- Representation of patriarchal structures. Daenerys Targaryen and Game of Thrones
- Study Abroad: Impact on Students' Personal Growth and Identity Transformation
- The Acquisition of Foreign Language Phonology: The Effect of Langugae Dominance in Catalan-Spanish Bilinguals who are Learning English
- The American Dream in the Twenty-first Century: the Rise of you Tubers
- The art of translating maintanining humor; a practical study of dubbibg in Woody Alle's film Love and Death
- The references to Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita in Nick Cave's The Death of Bunny Munro: a critical analysis
- Understanding Black Lives Matter as a Social Movement
- 'Song of Salomon': Approaching Identity through the Myth of the Flying African
- 'The Village Green Preservation Society': Traits of Englishness in the Songs of Ray Davies
- (Re)Imagining and (Re)Visiting Homelands in Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria (by Noo Saro-Wiwa)
- A Diachronic Analysis of the Pre-Rphaelites's Depictions of Women.
- American Trandescentalism in Breaking Bad and Walt Whitmans "Song of Myself" A comparative Study.
- A Preliminary Approach to Conversion and its Productivity in World Englishes
- Are CLIL Aaproaches Effective? Analysing the Motivation and Language Competences of British Council vs. non-British Council Students
- Are second Baccalaureate students' motivated to learn English?
- Content and Language Integrated Integrated Learning: An Insight into the teacher's profile
- Exploring the relationship between the Victorian Society and its Contexts and the Figure of the Doppelganger in Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by R.L. Stevenson and the Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.
- Higher Education Students' English Language Learner Beliefs: A Quantitative Study in the Balearic Context.
- Is Disney Frozen in Time? An Analysis of Princesses Elsa and Anna
- Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: Traditional Grand Denouement or Anticlimatic Ending?
- National Identities: Past, Present and Future of Britishness
- Ned Kelly's Last Words: "Such Is Life". Literary Analysis of Two Australian Picture Books.
- On a leaf, but in the haert of England. An Analysis of Virginia Woolf's Three Guineas as Pacifist Propaganda
- Pied-piping and Preposition Stranding in Relative Clauses (British English vs. American English)
- Pillars of Britishness. A case Study: Ickenham
- Register Variation in William Godwin: a Multidimensional Analysis
- Revising WWII from the Perspective of German Children: Markus Zusak's The Book Thief and Rhidian Brook's The Afetrmath
- The American Dream in the 21st Century. Will Smith and The Pursuit of Happyness
- The Reign of Elizabeth I and the Rose of the English National Identity
- The Representatiion of Homophobic Bullying in 'Glee'.
- The Representation of Second Generation Migrants in Jhumpa Lahiri's Unaccustomed Earth
- A Journey through France and Britain by Julian Barnes
- British Identity in the new Millennium
- Bulgarian and Romanian MinoritiesREpresented in the British Press: A Contrastive Analysis
- Cycle of the Werewolf (1983) and Cell (2006): Stephen King's Monstruous Figures as Products of Their Contexts
- Identity and period drama. The first World War in Downton Abbey
- Kiss the Frog: A Study of the English stereotypes of the French
- L2 Fluency in Adult ESOL: The Oral Challenge
- Lexical influence of native varieties of English on new Englishes
- Martin McDonagh's The Beauty Queen of Leenane: Contesting Irish National and Gender Stereotypes
- Narrating Brains: an Analyusis of Iana McEwan's Enduring Love and Saturday
- Nature's Rightful Voice: the land as a character in Doris Lessing's The Grass is Singing
- Number agreement in pseudopartitives: the case of number of
- Oral interaction in secondary EFL Classrooms
- Palestinian Diasporic Resistance in Spoken Word Poetry
- Princess Diana of Wales' depiction in the popular culture literature and media. A comparative analysis on the construction of a fairy princess
- Revising fairy tales' gender roles in contemporary children's fiction: the case of Cindarella
- REwinding and Rewriting History: Louis de Bernières treatment of the Great War and the Second World War in Birds without Wings and Captain Corelli's Mandolin
- Shaping Black Identity in Maya Angelou's I know Why the Caged Bird Sings
- Teaching and learning English as a foreign language: the cases of Spain and Sweden
- The New Woman of the 1920s: Flappers living the American dream
- The transmission of ideology after a cultural trauma
- The Weird Stories of H. P. Lovecraft and Thomas Ligotti
- TRuth and Justice: William Godwin's contradictory philosophy in Caleb Williams's endings and his previous work
- Twoness in Oneness and halfway things: Identity issues in Helen Oyeyemi's the Icarus Girl and Diana Evans's 26A
- Variation in the expression of 'recent past' in British and American English
- Teaching Culture in 4th of ESO English as a Foreign Language Classrooms